Decoration Station

Christmas Party Team Building

Organising a Christmas party can be a stress.

Are you looking for a unique and meaningful way to celebrate the holiday season while giving back to your community? Look no further than our Christmas-themed charity team building event!

In this fun and festive experience, your team will work together to decorate shortbread Christmas houses with icing and decorations. But it doesn’t end there – once completed, these delightful creations will be donated to local nursing homes for residents to enjoy.

To ensure that everything runs smoothly, our talented baker will prepare a collection of shortbread houses that are the perfect size for teams of 2-3 people to decorate. With a variety of icing colours and treats to choose from, your team can let their creativity run wild and design the perfect Christmas house.

But the competition doesn’t end there – teams will have 45 minutes to create their shortbread Christmas house and present it to our chef for judging. Who will take home the prize for the most creative and festive design?

Not only will your team have a blast designing and decorating their Christmas houses, but they’ll also be making a difference in the lives of others. The joy and warmth that your donation will bring to local nursing home residents is priceless.

This event is perfect for groups of up to 30 people and takes approximately 75 minutes to complete. We have a limited number of dates available leading up to Christmas, so be sure to contact our team to book your spot as soon as possible.

At Hidden Door, we believe in the power of team building to not only bring your team closer together but also to make a positive impact in your community. Our charity team building events are a great way to give back while having fun and strengthening your team’s bonds.

In addition to our Christmas-themed event, we offer a range of other charity team building activities that support various causes and organizations. From building bikes for kids in need to creating care packages for local shelters, we have an event that is sure to resonate with your team’s values and goals.

Not only are these events a great way to give back, but they also have numerous benefits for your team. Working together towards a shared goal promotes collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills. It also creates a sense of purpose and fulfillment that can boost morale and increase job satisfaction.

If you’re ready to make a positive impact in your community while strengthening your team, contact Hidden Door today to learn more about our charity team building events. Let’s make a difference together this holiday season.

What Makes A Successful Company Christmas Party?

The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time to sprinkle some festive magic into your workplace with an unforgettable company Christmas party. A successful celebration can boost morale, strengthen team bonds, and leave a lasting positive impression. To help you create an event that sparkles in the memories of your employees, here are eight essential tips for hosting the ultimate company Christmas party.

  1. Start Early and Set a Date

The holiday season is a bustling time for everyone, with personal and professional commitments filling up calendars quickly. To ensure maximum attendance, start planning your company Christmas party early and set a date well in advance. Consider popular dates that align with your team’s availability, and send out save-the-date invitations early to secure commitment.

  1. Understand Your Audience

Every workplace has its unique culture, and understanding your audience is key to planning a company Christmas party that resonates with your team. Consider the demographics, preferences, and cultural diversity of your employees. Are they adventurous and open to new experiences, or do they prefer a more traditional celebration? Tailor your plans to cater to the collective taste of your team, ensuring that everyone feels included and excited about the upcoming event.

  1. Choose the Right Venue

Selecting the right venue is the cornerstone of a successful company Christmas party. The venue sets the tone for the entire event, so consider factors such as the size of your team, the desired atmosphere, and the accessibility of the location. Whether you opt for a trendy downtown space, a cozy restaurant, or even a unique outdoor setting, make sure it aligns with your company culture and the expectations of your employees.

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entertainment hidden door experiences christmas party ideas
  1. Plan a Festive Menu

Food is a universal delight, and a well-curated menu can elevate your company Christmas party to the next level. Collaborate with a catering service that understands your vision and dietary preferences. Consider offering a mix of traditional holiday dishes and contemporary options to cater to diverse tastes. If possible, include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free choices to ensure everyone can indulge in the festive feast.

  1. Engage with Interactive Activities

Injecting a bit of interactive fun into your company Christmas party can create memorable moments and foster team spirit. Consider incorporating activities like a holiday-themed scavenger hunt, team-building games, or a DIY ornament decorating station. These activities not only break the ice but also provide a shared experience that brings your team closer together. Keep in mind the preferences of your employees and choose activities that align with their interests.

  1. Create a Festive Atmosphere with Decorations

Transform your chosen venue into a winter wonderland with festive decorations that evoke the holiday spirit. Consider a cohesive colour scheme that complements your company branding or traditional Christmas hues. From elegant centrepieces to twinkling fairy lights, thoughtful decorations set the stage for a memorable celebration. Encourage employee involvement by organizing a decorating committee or a competition to add a personalised touch to the festivities.

  1. Entertainment that Resonates

Entertainment is a crucial element that can make or break your company Christmas party. Whether it’s a live band, a DJ, or a talented emcee, choose entertainment that resonates with your team. Consider the demographics and preferences of your employees, ensuring that the chosen entertainment aligns with the overall vibe of the event. If budget allows, surprise your team with a special performance or activity that adds a unique and unforgettable touch to the celebration.

  1. Capture the Moments

A picture is worth a thousand words, and capturing the moments of your company Christmas party is essential for preserving the memories. Hire a professional photographer or set up a photo booth with festive props to encourage employees to snap pictures throughout the event. Share the photos on company social media channels or create a holiday-themed collage for the office to enjoy in the days following the celebration.

Strictly limited dates are available leading into Xmas so please contact our team for more details.

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